Musings on children's and YA literature, the academy, and the relationship between them, from an English professor and mother.

Friday, September 01, 2006

About the title

Chapter 9, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. See, especially, Uglification and Derision.


  1. This is Lilian from Mama(e) in Translation

    (I just lost my comment - first bad experience with the upgraded beta blogger - it's OK, I'll get used to it :)

    Ch. 9's my favorite chapter! I love the school part and I'm particularly interested in the way the puns were translated into Portuguese. I wrote a couple of papers about this and even attempted a new translation (for the paper).
    Great blog title!

  2. Lilian, I read an article recently about translating Alice into German and I was fascinated by the difficulties. Of course, the puns would be so hard to make work--also the parodies of English nursery rhymes, etc. I'm impressed that you attempted your own!
