Musings on children's and YA literature, the academy, and the relationship between them, from an English professor and mother.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Missing out

I love libraries. I spent my childhood hanging out in them, and even had a paying job in the library in college. Then my first job out of college--first real job, anyway--was with a company that did library automation, back in the day before everyone had a pc on his/her desk and the internet was everywhere. In fact it was (believe it or not) before the internet. Anyway, libraries and I, we go way back.

The American Library Association annual conference is absolutely the place to be this weekend. All the cool kids are going to be there.* And how great is that?

I was going to be there, too. But, alas, not this time. Our car is acting up, and we have houseguests on the way, and we're just back from a trip, and it just can't happen this time. So the coolness will have to go on without me. Maybe another time.

*Note: I am sure many more cool kids will be there than those I linked to, but those are on my feedreader so I know about them.

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